Our Newsletter

Content from our Growing Leaders email newsletter editions with articles, special announcements, and nuggets of inspiration.

March 2022 iLead Update: A Great Leader is a Great Learner

What Is Your Learning Style?

One of the best training exercises I ever witnessed involved a group of young MBA students at a prestigious university.  They were given 15 minutes and the challenge of teaching an eight-year-old to count to ten in French. Few of the MBA students knew anything about child development or French, so it was a fun scene to watch!

Where would you start with that challenge?  Offer a prize to the child? Make it a game? Talk with them first to learn about their world?  Start by defining the task and outlining learning objectives?

What I clearly recall from that day is that each trio of MBAs planned their strategy and then proceeded to bribe, convince, and experiment with different learning techniques.  As you can imagine, those who threatened or coerced did the worst.  Those who walked along side the student and made it into a game with small achievable goals did the best.  When they celebrated counting to three, then six, then nine, and finally to ten in a foreign language, the results were amazing.

Our newsletter this month is about growth and learning.  As you think about leading your team toward better horizons, think about those innocent eight-year-olds.  Make the learning interesting, challenging and fun.  Break the learning into small components and remember to celebrate the small victories along the way!

Bon Voyage on Your Learning Journey!


The Best Leaders Are the Best Learners

According to Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, “The best leaders are the best learners.” But not everyone learns the same.

Newsweek article: How to Keep Learning at Every Stage of Your Life

Small Wins on Mt. Fuji

Important goals, those that have a positive impact on yourself and others, seldom come quickly.  They often require a long-term commitment, sometimes working through significant resistance that can be demotivating over time. One way to ensure your constituents stay excited, focused, and committed to a long-term goal is through the discipline of celebrating small wins.  The essence of this commitment is to take time to celebrate steps towards a larger goal instead of waiting until the overall goal is reached.

Read the rest of this article →

5 Questions Every Manager Needs to Ask Their Direct Reports

As highlighted in the article “Great Leaders are Great Learners,” it is important that we keep learning, at all stages of our life. And, as a leader, it is imperative we take this a step further and continuously explore how we can help our employees learn and grow at all stages of their career.

Read the rest of this Quick Tip →

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The Leadership Challenge® Workshop

December 9, 2024, 8:00 AM December 10, 2024, 5:00 PM

Registration deadline: 11/21/24
Workshop location: McKinney, Texas

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Renee Harness

Certified Master Facilitator
Indianapolis, has been using The Leadership Challenge® in corporate and consulting roles since 1999 when she became a facilitator of TLCW with Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. – an event that changed her life for the better! Since becoming a consultant in 2006, her primary business has been in implementing The Leadership Challenge and the Leadership Practices Inventory® in a wide-range of environments, including corporations in media, pharmaceutical, energy and engineering, as well as government agencies and non-profits. Renee is a mentor to several Certified Masters In-Training, has research stories in the 4th and 5th edition of The Leadership Challenge and has authored two facilitator guides for The Leadership Challenge brand.