What Is Your Learning Style?
Where would you start with that challenge? Offer a prize to the child? Make it a game? Talk with them first to learn about their world? Start by defining the task and outlining learning objectives?
What I clearly recall from that day is that each trio of MBAs planned their strategy and then proceeded to bribe, convince, and experiment with different learning techniques. As you can imagine, those who threatened or coerced did the worst. Those who walked along side the student and made it into a game with small achievable goals did the best. When they celebrated counting to three, then six, then nine, and finally to ten in a foreign language, the results were amazing.
Our newsletter this month is about growth and learning. As you think about leading your team toward better horizons, think about those innocent eight-year-olds. Make the learning interesting, challenging and fun. Break the learning into small components and remember to celebrate the small victories along the way!
Bon Voyage on Your Learning Journey!
The Best Leaders Are the Best Learners
According to Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, “The best leaders are the best learners.” But not everyone learns the same.
Newsweek article: How to Keep Learning at Every Stage of Your Life
Small Wins on Mt. Fuji
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5 Questions Every Manager Needs to Ask Their Direct Reports
As highlighted in the article “Great Leaders are Great Learners,” it is important that we keep learning, at all stages of our life. And, as a leader, it is imperative we take this a step further and continuously explore how we can help our employees learn and grow at all stages of their career.