Quick Tips

These small but powerful nuggets of leadership wisdom can be quickly and easily implemented in the workplace.

Ryan Speedo Green: Treating Others With Dignity and Respect

Have you ever thought that the way you treat someone could have a life-changing impact? That treating someone with dignity and respect, in a seemingly routine interaction, could be life-altering?
When I heard the story of Ryan Speedo Green, this is immediately what came to mind for me. Ryan Speedo Green grew up in Suffolk, Virginia in low-income housing and a trailer park. He had a troubled childhood that culminated in his being sent to juvenile detention at the age of 12 after he threatened to stab his mother and brother. When most people would have given up on Ryan as a
troubled youth, he was lucky enough to have several people enter his life who believed in him, supported him, treated him with dignity and respect and ultimately helped change the trajectory of
his life.

As a team, watch this video then discuss the below questions.

Video Discussion:

  • What did Ms. Hughes do that exemplified Behavior #14 – Treating others with dignity and respect?
  • Who else did you hear about in the video that exemplified Behavior #14 and why?

Self-Reflection and Discussion:

  • What actions demonstrate that you are acting with dignity and respect?
  • What results when you treat others with dignity and respect?


Looking at the 30 Tips of Dignity & Respect highlighted in the Treating Others with Dignity and Respect article, what two things will you focus on the next 7 days to have a positive impact on your interactions with others?
