Case Studies

We invite you to read our success stories to help you move toward your goal of becoming a Certified Leadership Challenge Facilitator.

The Accidental Leader

In 2017, Free Wheelchair Mission delivered its one-millionth free wheelchair. Don Schoendorfer’s vision of distributing free wheelchairs to the 70 million people in emerging nations had reached a significant milestone. Through engaging his vision of a wheelchair for everyone in need by exercising insight and outsight and by aligning others with the common values of dignity, innovation, excellence and collaboration, Don created a significant worldwide non-profit organization that is changing the lives of millions of people in third world nations. However, Don did not set out to start a ministry that would grow into a multi-million dollar nonprofit company distributing millions of wheelchairs around the world using 27 distribution partners, numerous faith based organizations, 30+ employees and over 4,000 volunteers. Don started out to write a paper on the efficacy of effective wheelchairs in emerging nations. However, a series of events pushed Don into re-examining his life philosophy and calling causing Don to become an accidental leader.

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The Leadership Challenge

iLead programs are grounded in the award-winning, best-selling book, The Leadership Challenge by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. This research-driven leadership development model illustrates how everyday leaders mobilize others to want to get extraordinary things done.

The Leadership Challenge