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From Your Editor

Recently, my wife and I enjoyed a getaway to North Carolina, spending time with friends on the Outer Banks. On our last morning, we walked along the beach at sunrise, each of us with a headlamp, searching for starfish, conch shells, or any treasures the tide might have left behind. But the real beauty wasn’t on the sand. As we looked up, just in time, we caught the first rays of sunlight peeking over the horizon, igniting the sky. Yet even this wasn’t the true beauty—the real beauty was standing right beside me.

Life and leadership both demand balance: focusing on what’s right in front of you, appreciating who walks beside you, and looking ahead to what lies beyond the horizon. It’s easy to prioritize one at the cost of the others.

This season, I encourage leaders to take a reflective pause. Look back over the past year to consider lessons learned and gaze forward toward the future you’re creating. But remember, it’s just as important to cherish those walking with you. Focus on your loved ones, express gratitude to those who’ve enriched your life, and give thanks to those who continue to walk beside you.

Happy Thanksgiving and all the best this holiday season,


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