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Your Company Needs a Global Mentoring Program Now – Here’s Why

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

According to a survey conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership, the number one reason for the career success of Fortune 500 CEOs is very simple – having a mentor.

If having a mentor is the primary basis for the personal success of top executives, doesn’t it stand to reason that developing a mentoring program within your organization could have a positive impact on the results of your emerging talent as well?  In a recent university study on mentoring programs, the results were significant – mentees were promoted five times more frequently – and mentors, six times more often – than those who were not in mentoring programs.

Cisco Systems, Sun Microsystems, Dell, and many others are designing and implementing global mentoring programs because of these proven results:

Could your company benefit from having a global mentoring program?  Click here to read about what our research revealed about mentoring.  You’ll discover why now is the best time to start building a global mentoring program for your organization.

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